Friday, December 31, 2010

# -2 NAS- The Banks Bailed Themselves out

John C Dvorak's thoughts on the bank bailouts. Thanks to Gx2 for the clip, and his pick for best No Agenda moment of the year

For more go to r to donate got to taken from episode 191

# 75 NAS- Take That to the Bank

Adam Curry and John C Dvorak discuss the $2 billion a week price tag continued operations in Afghanistan cost and Obama's campaign promises of taking getting us out of there.

For full show notes and episode 265 go to For more information go to to hear more or to donate.

# 74 NAS- Haitian Elections

John C Dvorak and Adam Curry bring to attention a Canadian report on the recent elections in Haiti bringing special attention to the rampant fraud that was through out the election process.

For full show notes and episode 265 go to For more information go to to hear more or to donate.

# 73 NAS- The Helium Channel

John C. Dvorak and Adam Curry report on the recent roast of Oprah Winfrey put on with such gueasts as Barack and Michelle Obama along with Chris Rock as the roaster.

For full show notes and episode 265 go to For more information go to to hear more or to donate.

# 72.6 NAS- Feets on the Ground

Adam Curry once again reminds John C. Dvorak that it is boots on the ground.

For full show notes and episode 265 go to For more information go to to hear more or to donate.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

What Was Your Favorite No Agenda Moment of the Year?

What has been your favorite No Agenda moment of 2010?
# 28 Pedophiles working at the TSA
# 24 Makes Sense to Me
# 15 Perspective
# 66.3 Un-American
# 12 Science is a Cold Hearted ......
# 45 20 Days Later
Other list in comments free polls
Links to the shots
# 28 Pedophiles working at the TSA
# 24 Makes Sense to Me
# 15 Perspective
# 66.3 Un-American
# 12 Science is a Cold Hearted ......
# 45 20 Days Later

Imagine A World

Featuring music by Gx2 available at

Listen live at or go to to donate.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Climategate jingle from No Agenda show

From fellow slave EdnRaleigh

From the No Agenda Show with Adam Curry and John C. Dvorak.

John C. Dvorak's Counterterrorism Test Recommendation

This clip will hit you in the mouth.

Homegrown Terror in REAL focus

From fellow slave EdnRaleigh

No Agenda Podcast December 26, 2010 Episode 264. Adam Curry & John C Dvorak assassinate Katie Couric's 'report' on homegrown terror by putting her report in focus. Learn how to see through the memes by listenting to the No Agenda Podcast live Thursday and Sunday at noon EST.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

no agenda recommend end the fed by ron paul

When Adam first suggests to Uncle Don to read End the Fed

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Russian President Dmitry Medvedev pulls new world currency from his pocket

#112 No Agenda For Sunday July 12th 2009
The Doomsday Box

"Crackpot" (Adam Curry) and "Buzzkill" (John C. Dvorak) focus on stories that you might not hear about otherwise, from sometimes opposing, but always complementary, points of view - with Curry playing the outlandish conspiracy theorist and Dvorak the hard-nosed pragmatist - though surprisingly they sometimes switch roles depending on the topic and their individual depth of knowledge on a particular subject.

Monday, December 27, 2010

# 72 NAS - Chipping Granny

John C. Dvorak and Adam Curry discuss an ad from Gitmo Nation East, the United Kingdom, for an item called the "Buddy" a tracking device for old people and segway into NORAD continually tracking Santa Clause from year to year.
The American version is already available John Sorry

For full show notes and episode 264 go to

For more information go to to hear more or to donate.

# 71 NAS- Birth of Born on Dating

Adam recounts a story from his past when his firm put Anheuser Busch on the internet and the widget on the page that led to the born on dates being added to cans and bottles of beer.

For full show notes and episode 264 go to

For more information go to to hear more or to donate.

# 70 NAS- Government Shenanigans

Adam and John dissect a article from the Washington Post about the number of former government employees working in the scanning industry and the money that is being made.

For full show notes and episode 264 go to

For more information go to to hear more or to donate.

Friday, December 24, 2010

# 69 NAS- Wikileaks Prediction Corner

John and Adam introduce a new section to the show, the "Wikileaks Prediction Corner." Adam mentions that he has heard there may be some documents coming out about the Clinton Foundation in future months.

Taken from episode #263 on December 23 , 2010 go to for more information or to donate.

# 68 NAS- Fun With Names

On a recent episode of No Agenda John C. Dvorak tries to pronounce a producers name from Holland, with Adam Curry's help. The name is not a joke as Floris spoke up in the chat room.

Taken from episode #263 on December 23 , 2010 go to for more information or to donate.

Show notes available at

# 67 NAS- Dont Ask Don't Tell What the Bill Really Says

Adam Curry and John C, Dvorak break down the "repeal" of don't ask, don't tell and what the bill really says. Once again they do the work so we don't have to.

Taken from episode #263 on December 23 , 2010 go to for more information or to donate.

Show notes available at

Don't Ask Don't Tell is NOT repealed!

From my fellow Slave MrXstacey

Adam Curry takes the time to read the actual Don't Ask Don't Tell bill and discusses it with John C Dvorak on the No Agenda podcast. Adan shows that what you've been told is nothing like what it says in the bill. To listen to the rest of the program head over to Clip from episode #263

Thursday, December 23, 2010

No Agenda Germany Boy

My fellow slave EdnRaleigh had to go out and do a better version of the first shot I made. Great Job!

No Agenda podcast episode 241 00:35:01. Adam Curry & John C Dvorak discuss a German tourist's encounter with American police.

Respect and Obey Authority

What really? See how far you can make it through.

This is West Coast Believers Kid's band called X-TReMe PoWeR. It was our second song and we made up the lyrics and put it all together through garage band. It's all about respecting and obeying your teachers, your parents, and Jesus! Hope you like this one too!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

# -1 NAS- Origin Of In The Morning

During a conversation in the chatroom YellowJKT suggested a great shot. The origin of in the morning. So here it goes from the special 3rd show episode 200.5 for donors the explanation of the origin of in the morning from the mouth's of John C. Dvorak and Adam Curry.

Shot taken from episode 200.5 go to to continue the conversation and to to donate.

No Agenda on the Arizona Illegal Immigration Bill Pt. 1

From ThunderwingMatrix

John C. Dvorak spells out what the recently passed Arizona anti-illegal immigration bill is REALLY all about: fighting crime. Pt. 1 of 3.

Monday, December 20, 2010

# 66.3 NAS- Un-American

Adam Curry gives his brief thoughts about potential earthquakes in Califoria and impending attacks from Al-Queada .

Shot taken from episode 262 of No Agenda go to for more information or to donate.

# 66 NAS- The Stark Treaty

Adam Curry and John C. Dvorak discuss The international treaty between the US and Russia about nuclear proliferation, mainly the lack of coverage the treaty is receiving from Mainstream Media. While the focus remains celebrity gossip

Shot taken from episode 262 of No Agenda go to for more information or to donate.

# 65 NAS- Mexican Police Destroying Guns

John C.Dvorak and Adam Curry discuss the destruction of guns by the Mexican Police force by burning and the fact of how outgunned they are by the Cartels. Plus simple lessons we should of learned from Miami Vice.

Shot taken from episode 262 of No Agenda go to for more information or to donate.

# 64 NAS-

Once again John C. Dvorak and Adam Curry track something so we don't have to. They talk about the growing number of severed foots that have been washing up on beaches around the world. Check out all of the reported finds on

Shot taken from episode 262 of No Agenda go to for more information or to donate.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

USPS to track biodiversité

No Agenda Podcast, Episode 262 December 18, 2010. Adam Curry & John C Dvorak discuss the USPS will put sensors on their trucks to track biodiversité.

TSA Agents will carry guns

No Agenda Podcast, Episode 262 December 18, 2010. Adam Curry & John C Dvorak discuss the TSA Agents will carry guns prediction.

Thank you slaves (extended)

Thank you ednraleigh

A dedication to all my fellow slaves out there in Gitmo Nation West. Open source material from the No Agenda Podcast with Adam Curry and John C Dvorak. Join them live each Thursday and Sunday at Noon EST at for your dose of media assassination.


a No Agenda Jingle

Hear more at

Friday, December 17, 2010

NoAgenda CSPAN Jingle

from ednraleigh

No Agenda Podcast with Adam Curry & John C Dvorak live Thursday & Sunday at Noon EST. They watch CSPAN so I don't have to!

# 63 NAS- Trains Good Planes Bad

In another installment of Trains Good Planes Bad, John and Adam Discuss the governors from several states turning down the federal funding to high speed rail. Adam Curry and John C. Dvorak Summarize what Wikileaks role is in the dissemination of documents and how things really work.

Shot taken from episode 261 of No Agenda go to for more information or to donate.

# 62 NAS- Wikileaks Summarized

Adam Curry and John C. Dvorak Summarize what Wikileaks role is in the dissemination of documents and how things really work.

Shot taken from episode 261 of No Agenda go to for more information or to donate.

# 61 NAS- NPR's Walmart Mix

John C Dvorak and Adam Curry dissect a recent piece our National Treasure NPR did on Janet Napolitano's message in Wal Mart, and our nations see something say something program.Shot taken from episode 261 of No Agenda go to for more information or to donate.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Thank you slaves

Another great shot from ednraleigh

A dedication to all my fellow slaves out there in Gitmo Nation West. Open source material from the No Agenda Podcast with Adam Curry and John C Dvorak. Join them live each Thursday and Sunday at Noon EST at for your dose of media assassination.

Great job I love it.

NA: Adam Curry and John Dvorak about the baxter case.

From WeAreQuestionDutch

NA: Adam Curry and John Dvorak about the baxter case.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

No Agenda: Wikileaks? Part1/2

From thedutchdatabase

What about Wikileaks??

In this clip John and Adam go into their full breakdown of Wikileaks, Julian Assange, and what Ron Paul actually said about Wikileaks.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

gps monitors on the students

From modelmark

Enforcing compulsory education and creating little slaves at the same time
(clip from the no agenda show)

Thanks i love it when others send me clips.

Monday, December 13, 2010

# 60 NAS: Some Other Book

John C. Dvorak and Adam Curry , discuss American television and the 1984 possibilities for the US.

Shot taken from episode 260 of No Agenda go to for more information or to donate.

# 59 NAS: One Last Thing About Haiti

Adam Curry discuss one of his favorite topics the Haitian earthquake.


Shot taken from episode 260 of No Agenda go to for more information or to donate.

# 58 NAS - Kids Using Nutmeg

John C. Dvorak and Adam Curry discuss the resurgence of kids using nutmeg to get a buzz similar to marijuana and the other ways people try to find a buzz.

Source of story

Shot taken from episode 260 of No Agenda go to more information or to donate.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

We're afraid of things that don't exist

Another great video from ednraleigh

No Agenda Podcast, Episode 259 December 9, 2010. Adam Curry & HJohn C Dvorak discuss Awlaki being a CIA operative who had lunch at the Pentagon two months after 9/11.

If you ever come across any great No Agenda videos let me know at

Friday, December 10, 2010

# 57 NAS- Haitian Success Stories

Adam and John finish up a letter about a talk Bill Clinton gave that a No Agenda Producer attended.

They then cover a story over at the about the success of Haiti's hotels.

For more go to or listen live at shot taken from episode #259.

# 56 NAS Ron Paul on Wikileaks and The Definition of a Journalist

Adam and John deconstruct a clip from the Judge Napolitano in which Dr. Ron Paul discusses some of the fallout from Wikileaks and who should get journalistic protections. They go onto to discuss what will probably be the unfortunate fall out from all the hacking that is going on. For more go to or listen live at shot taken from episode #259.

# 55 NAS- Walmart's All Seeing Eyes and Paypal

John And Adam read a letter from producer Sir Larry Lee, who is outraged about Wal-Marts collaboration with the Department of Homeland Safety. Also with the recent attacks on paypal over the Wikileaks, they see a drop in donations because the inability of users to get to paypal. For more go to or listen live at shot taken from episode #259.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Moment of Truth - Austerity Measures coming to US

The Moment of Truth: Report of the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform discussed on the No Agenda Podcast episode 257 from December 2, 2010. - Episode 257

Thanks again to ednraleigh

Persistent Jet Contrails

Once again ednraleigh comes through with another great video. Great job.

Rosalind Peterson interview discussing persistant jet contrails. Adam Curry and John C Dvorak discuss her interview on the No Agenda Podcast Episode 258. The US Military wants to control the weather.

Monday, December 6, 2010

# 54 NAS- Chewing Gum is Good for Concentration

Adam Curry and John C. Dvorak break down a report from Germany where it is found that kids chewing gum during class may be good for their concentration. But are concerned with the fact that most gum today especially sugar free gum contains the chemical aspartame.

Original story found here:

For more go to or listen live at shot taken from episode #258.

# 53 NAS- Persistent Jet Contrails

John C. Dvorak and Adam Curry of No Agenda discuss the United States Government possible continuing experiments in the atmosphere. As we try to be the Stewards of the new environment., and possibly some of the possible downfalls of these experiments and possible military applications. They break down an interview clip with Rosiland Peters of California Skywatch a former U.S.D.A crop loss inspector. For more go to or listen live at shot taken from episode #258.

# 52 NAS- The Arab Lobby

John C. Dvorak and Adam Curry of No Agenda discuss Michael Bard's new book "The Arab Lobby." Which is about the way the Saudi and other foreign governments approach their lobbying efforts with United States Government officials. Including Bill Clinton's efforts to get a middle east studies program at the University of Arkansas. For more go to or listen live at shot taken from episode #258.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

NAS by Request- Haiti after the earthquake

Another great job on a haiti video from ednraleigh. He has done some of the best videos you've seen here on NAS and look foraward to many more!

No Adenga Show podcast Episode 256 excerpt of Adam Curry and John C Dvorak discussing the aftermath of the Haiti earthquake. podcast is live Sunday's and Thursday's at noon EST on

Previous No HOPE for Haiti videos here:

Clinton Foundation "numbers" reviewed on No Agenda Podcast Episode 254 11-21-2010

Friday, December 3, 2010

# 51 NAS- The Ford Foundation

Adam Curry and John C. Dvorak talk about the Ford Foundation and there funding of public broadcasting. Along with who there board members are and the possible agenda's they may have.
For more go to or listen live at shot taken from episode #257.

# 50 NAS- The Moment of Truth

Adam Curry once again digs deep on C-SPAN to find the hearings on Senate Bill 510 The food safety bill., which places the food supply under the domain of the Department of Homeland Security. He this goes on to the mandate for fiscal responsibility report, which brings up austerity measures for the United States of America. For more go to or listen live at shot taken from episode #257.

# 49 NAS- Defense Secretary Robert Gates on Wikileaks

John C. Dvorak and Adam Curry discuss the Wikileaks scandal that has taken over mainstream media. They break down and PBS interview with Defense secretary Robert Gates and his beforehand knowledge of what was contained in the leaked documents and what they feel is the connection between Senator Hillary Clinton and the pentagon. Going after Wikileaks as more of a distraction then the real news stories that are being passed over in all the talk about Wikileaks. For more go to or listen live at shot taken from episode #257.

Monday, November 29, 2010

obey the tiki march for the 3rd

An old video I made I just thought it was funny to hear Adam say 3 so many times.

# 48 NAS- Real ID

Adam Curry deconstructs a clip that talks about the progress of the Real ID program in the United States. The clip brings up the relation of James Low a former member of Homeland Security and the TSA, and his role in one of the companies profiting from the real ID act. For more go to or listen live at shot taken from episode #256.

# 47 NAS- CBCNEWS The National

A producer from Gitmo Nation Great White North sends in a commercial being ran on the CBC for the CBC News program The National. John and and Adam deconstruct the clip by asking if there is anything missing from the list of what people want to hear from their news. For more go to or listen live at shot taken from episode #256.

# 46 NAS- Bob Woodward Double Talk

See if you can pick up on the double talk in this clip from C-SPAN where Bob Woodward promotes his book "Obama's War," in which talks about how the war is going and the recent report from congress. For more go to or listen live at shot taken from episode #256.

Friday, November 26, 2010

# 45 No Agenda Shots- 20 Days Later

John C. Dvorak and Adam Curry break down a interview with Duncan Hunter on the FOX news show Hannity and company in which he predicts soldiers dying in Afghanistan in the next 20 days For more go to or listen live at shot taken from episode #255.

# 44 No Agenda Shots- What on Earth are They Spraying

Adam Curry and John C. Dvorak discuss the new movie "What on Earth are the Spraying." and the possibilities of chemtrails and a brief review of the movie. For more go to or listen live at shot taken from episode #255.

# 43 No Agenda Shots- Adam Curry Wants on Chris Matthews

John C. Dvorak and Adam Curry discuss the TSA's recent issues and the appearance of Ginger McCall a lawyer from the EPIC group on the Chris Matthews show and the connection of former homeland security director Michael Chertoff. For more go to or listen live at shot taken from episode #255.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

# 42 No Agenda Shots- How Much Does Your Email Cost?

Adam Curry and John C. Dvorak discuss the procedures and costs involved when a email provider needs to turn information over to the Government. For more go to or listen live at shot taken from episode #254.

Monday, November 22, 2010

# 41 No Agenda Shots- Sophisticated Interface With International Business

Once again John C. Dvorak and Adam Curry watch C-SPAN so we don't have to. John searches deep to find one of the best unanswered question about Afghanastan.For more go to or listen live at shot taken from episode #254.

# 40 No Agenda Shots- White House White Board

Adam Curry and John C. Dvorak break down the White House's White Board video about the recent public IPO of GM and the sale of the automaker back to the "public." For more go to or listen live at shot taken from episode #254.

Clinton Foundation 2009 Annual Report Reviewed

Friday, November 19, 2010

# 39 No Agenda Shots- The Kinect is Watching You

Adam Curry and JC. Dvborak discuss the new microsoft kinect for the XBOX 360 and its potential privacy issues and the fact that microsoft calls for no expectation of privacy from the new device. For more go to or listen live at shot taken from episode #253.

# 38 No Agenda Shots- Love Pats

John C. Dvorak and Adam Curry discuss the safety and problems of the TSA's new security procedures. They bring coverage of the Senate hearings on the machines and the issues involved. For more go to or listen live at shot taken from episode #253.

#37 No Agenda Shots- TSA troubles

John c. Dvorak and Adam Curry discuss DA's from several states coming out and saying that TSA officers can be charged with Sexual Assault. For more go to or listen live at shot taken from episode #253.

Monday, November 15, 2010

# 36 No Agenda Shots- Bad Acting

John C. Dvorak and Adam Curry go back to real news to discuss the bad acting on television today and the watching habits of republicans and Democrats.Get your vaccinations here against mainstream media. For more go to or listen live at shot taken from episode #252.

# 35 No Agenda Shots- Department of Health Advising Board

Adam Curry and John C. Dvorak discuss the appointment major fast food chains being appointed to government positions to help oversee health. Get your vaccinations here against mainstream media. For more go to or listen live at shot taken from episode #252

# 34 No Agenda Shots- Advocating for a Dictatorship

John C. Dvorak and Adam Curry discuss Micheal Moorer's appearance on "Real Time with Bill Maher" and his thoughts on American government..Get your vaccinations here against mainstream media. For more go to or listen live at shot taken from episode #252

Trains Good, Planes Bad, Whoo Whoo! Exploring government sponsored propa...

awesome video and a great media assassination from mrXstacey

They are touching gentalia

NAS by request thanks ednraleigh great job as always

Friday, November 12, 2010

# 33 No Agenda Shots- Gitmo Nation Jewelry

Get your vaccinations here against mainstream media. For more go to or listen live at shot taken from episode #251. John C. Dvorak and Adam Curry discuss the missed oppurtunity on getting in on the scram bracelet industry while it was still growing.

#32 No Agenda Shots- The Real Plan of the New pat Down Procedures

Get your vaccinations here against mainstream media. For more go to or listen live at shot taken from episode #251. John C. Dvorak and Adam Curry discuss some of the new TSA procedures and the new friendlier pat downs and the risk of radiation exposure from the naked body scanners.

# 31 No Agenda Shots- Persimmons

Get your vaccinations here against mainstream media. For more go to or listen live at shot taken from episode #251. John C. Dvorak and Adam Curry discuss John's favorite new fruit the persimmon and the proper way to eat them.

Monday, November 8, 2010

# 30 No Agenda Shots- Haiti Ten Months Later

Get your vaccinations here against mainstream media. For more go to or listen live at shot taken from episode #250 John C. Dvorak and Adam Curry discuss the failure of funds to make it Haiti where it is badly needed.

# 29 No Agenda Shots- President Obama Goes to India

# 28 No Agenda Shots- Pedophiles working at the TSA

Get your vaccinations here against mainstream media. For more go to or listen live at shot taken from episode #250 A growing trend of sex offenders working at the TSA as a way to grope people.